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Best Practices for teaching AP® Stats online with The Updated Practice of Statistics 6e SaplingPlus!

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Best Practices for teaching AP® Stats online with The Updated Practice of Statistics 6e SaplingPlus! | Erica Chauvet and Tina McCosky

Are you teaching your AP® Statistics course virtually this year and not sure where to start? In this webinar, content expert and educator, Erica Chauvet, (along with The Practice of Statistics team) will show you the essentials of using SaplingPlus for The Updated Practice of Statistics 6e to teach a successful AP® Stats course from day one.

First, we will showcase the Student and Teacher e-books and resources that are easily accessed through the platform and will show you how to set up homework and other assessments. Following this "SaplingPlus 101" introduction, we will demonstrate some of the more in-depth and custom capabilities of the program, plus provide a Q&A. While the webinar is geared for current users of SaplingPlus and TPS, others are welcome, as the Updated TPS6 SaplingPlus program may provide an excellent solution for you, too.

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