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Tackling the Toughest Material on the 2023 AP® Economics Exams

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Tackling the Toughest Material on the 2023 AP® Economics Exams

You might have questions about the newest or most complicated graphs on the AP® Economics exams. Author David Anderson has answers. In this session, we'll go over exam changes, the toughest graphs, and how you can help students tackle that material in class. All attendees will receive a module on Topic 4.6: Monetary Policy and the chance to receive a copy of Krugman's Economics for the AP® Course, 4th Ed.


David Anderson

David Anderson

Paul G. Blazer Professor of Economics, Centre College (Danville, KY)

David Anderson received his BA in economics from the University of Michigan and his MA and PhD in economics from Duke University. Anderson has been involved in the AP® Economics program since 1994 as an exam grader and a regular speaker at AP® conferences and workshops. He has authored dozens of scholarly articles and 15 books, and has won awards for excellence and innovation in the classroom. His favorite hobby is running, and he competes in marathons and triathlons.