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Preparing Students for the New AP® Economics Exams

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Preparing Students for the New AP® Economics Exams

Do you have last minute questions about the 2023 AP® Economics exams? Economics expert and author Margaret Ray can help you get your students AP®-ready for May. In this session, we will review the latest CED change, common exam mistakes, and how to best prepare students for the exam. A live discussion will follow, allowing you to ask questions, share exam prep strategies and connect with fellow AP® Economics teachers.


Margaret Ray

Margaret Ray

Professor, Texas A&M University

Margaret Ray teaches economics at both the university and high school levels. She is an AP® Economics instructor for Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Talented Youth and a member of the economics department faculty at Texas A&M University. She has taught AP® Economics at several high schools in Virginia and has received the Council on Economic Education’s Excellence in Teaching Economics award. She has been involved in the AP® Economics program since 1992, and has been a College Board® Endorsed Consultant for economics since 2001, where she conducts several professional development workshops and institutes each year. Her favorite hobby is showing hunter-jumper horses adopted from racehorse rescue organizations.