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That's about how many options you have for AP® U.S. History textbooks.

We’re here to help you choose one.

Prefer to use your own writing instruction alongside a detailed narrative? We do that. Wish there was a thematic option that integrates sources and skills instruction into the primary text? We do that, too.

Between America’s History for the AP® Course, the tenth edition of our comprehensive AP® textbook, and the newly released, uniquely brief Fabric of a Nation, BFW has the right APUSH® book to fit your needs and teaching style. Select a tab below to compare features.


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Skills instruction
Writing examples
Visual Analysis Questions
Brief narrative
Comprehensive history
Exact alignment to AP® CED
Close alignment to AP® CED
Full-length chapters
Short chapters
Skills practice
AP® Exam tips & practice questions
Teacher resource materials & AP® test bank

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