Something Easier for APUSH®
Something Easier for APUSH®
See the Fabric difference

Brief content aligned to the AP® framework

Short modules for easier reading and pacing

Scaffolded AP® skills instruction

Integrated primary documents & data sources

Abundant AP® Exam Practice
Brief content aligned to the AP® framework
There is only so much time in the school year, and in order to focus on skills development, you need more focused content. Fabric of a Nation delivers a brief, approachable historical narrative that covers all of the essential content of the AP® course, with plenty of interesting anecdotes and a crisp writing style to keep students engaged.
Short modules for easier reading and pacing
Fabric of a Nation has an easy-to-use modular organization that pulls together content, sources, skills and AP® Exam practice into brief 1- to 2-day lessons. Modules help solve the problem of when to introduce which skills, how to blend sources with content, and how to pace the course throughout the year. Everything you and your students need is there.
Scaffolded AP® skills instruction
Inspired by the authors’ classroom experience and based on sound pedagogical principles, the instruction in Fabric of a Nation scaffolds learning throughout the course of the book.
- Periods 1-3: Focused Instruction. The first three Periods of the textbook provide step-by-step support as your students learn to think critically about historical developments and processes and put that thinking to work in their writing.
- Periods 4-6: Guided Practice that Deepens Instruction. In the second portion of the book, the instruction moves to guided writing practice as students deepen their understanding and apply new writing skills.
- Period 7-9: Independent Practice. Finally, the book shifts to independent practice in the run-up to the exam. In this portion of the book, the features assess students' command of their newly developed skills, preparedness for the exam, and ability to produce college-level writing.
Integrated primary documents & data sources
Skill-building is best done in-context. That’s why Fabric of a Nation weaves features throughout the text that help students engage with the narrative and encounter relevant primary and secondary sources. Analyzing Sources boxes provide students with opportunities to analyse the sourcing, situation, and arguments of both written and visual primary sources.
From stimulus-based multiple-choice questions to SAQs and DBQs, visual primary and secondary sources have become a major part of the AP® U.S. History exam and a major challenge for students. To support students and build visual analysis skills, Fabric of a Nation provides an analytical question with every image in the book, asking students to draw on their historical knowledge to analyze and respond.
Abundant AP® Exam Practice
Fabric of a Nation gives students ample opportunity to practice their new AP® skills via exam practice sections that appear at the end of every time period — plus, a full-length practice AP® Exam at the back of the book. Teachers will find more than 190 Multiple-Choice Questions, 40 Short-Answer Questions, 9 Document-Based Questions, and 27 Long-Essay Questions in the AP® Exam Practice sections, as well as more questions and prompts in the Analyzing Sources, Thinking Historically, and Writing Historically boxes.
See the Fabric benefits
Save time planning
Course preparation is easier with our corresponding teacher’s edition and modular student edition. The teacher’s edition includes tools and maps for planning and pacing your course quickly and easily. The modular organization allows for easy adjustment when surprises (sub-days) happen.
Make room in your schedule for skill development
Fabric of a Nation’s briefer historical narrative allows more time in your course for the important development of reasoning processes and skills. Start preparing for the exam on Day One, and rest easy knowing that you will get your students to the current U.S. Presidency.
One program does it all
Put away the book you use for “history,” the book you use for skills support, the book you use for documents and sources, and the book you use for exam prep. Everything you need is in Fabric of a Nation:
- Short historical narrative
- Integrated sources
- Skills development and practice
- AP® Exam practice
- Teacher’s Edition with organizational tools and point-of-use tips
- Teacher's Resource Flash Drive with instructional tools and pedagogical tools
- ExamView® Test Assessment with content-based questions and nine AP® practice exams
- A digital platform that offers online and offline e-books, formative and summative assessment, and more student and teacher resources
Feel the Difference For Yourself
Sample Fabric of a Nation
Remember when you review these pages that Fabric is not your average history book. Boxed content is intended to be read and worked at point-of-use. This content is inserted at specifically the right moment for students to understand the relevance.
See what’s in it for you
Teacher Resources

Teacher's Edition
ISBN: 9781319182687
Carlene Baurichter, Bangor High School (WI)
Jose Gregory, Marist School (GA)
Jonathan Kinman, Independence High School (NC)
Bill Polasky, Stillman Valley High School (IL)
Kyle VanderWall, Grandville High School (MN)
The wrap-around Teacher’s Edition for Fabric of a Nation is an invaluable resource for both experienced and new AP® U.S. History instructors. Written by seasoned AP® teachers and College Board consultants, the Teacher’s Edition includes thoughtful instruction for planning, pacing, differentiating, and enlivening your AP® U.S. History course in alignment with the College Board requirements.

Teacher's Resource Flash Drive
ISBN: 9781319234119
The Teacher’s Resource Materials work hand-in-glove with the Teacher’s Edition and contain materials to effectively plan the course, including a detailed suggested pacing guide, handouts, lecture presentation slides, and lesson plans. All available on a flash drive or download for your convenience.

ExamView® Assessment Suite
ISBN: 9781319234126
This Test Bank includes chapter-based questions and nine AP®-style practice exams. This tool is available exclusively within the ExamView® Assessment Suite software. You may select from the provided questions or use the step-by-step tutorial to write your own. Questions can be sorted according to various metadata fields and scrambled to create different versions of tests. Tests may be printed or administered online using the ExamView® Player or via LaunchPad.
Digital Options for the 21st Century

Created to help students achieve better results, LaunchPad is a place where students can read, study, practice, complete homework, and interact with you. LaunchPad for Fabric of a Nation includes online and downloadable e-books, LearningCurve adaptive quizzing, videos, worksheets, and all teacher resources.

With powerful adaptive quizzing, a game-like format, and the promise of significantly better grades, LearningCurve for Fabric of a Nation is a highly effective new way to get students involved. Available for select titles, LearningCurve shows a 90% student satisfaction rating, and is consistently the most popular resource with students.
Teachers have been waiting since 2014 for a book like Fabric of a Nation. See how excited everyone is to use this book.
Don’t just take it from us
What your peers are saying
“The strength of Fabric of a Nation is that the skills are integrated with the content so that students 'see" how everything fits together. It would be a great resource for a teacher new to APUSH®, as well.”
Carrie Petty, Peachtree Ridge High School (GA)
“I would describe it as the next generation textbook, emphasizing historical thinking and writing over rote memorization. It combines the AP® framework with sound 21st century historical teaching methodology.”
Karen Fry, Schools of the Sacred Heart (CA)
“Fabric of a Nation….provides our students with well thought-out strategies, tips, exercises, questions, extensive writing support and test practice allowing them to bridge the gaps they have and become serious AP® scholars.”
Jane Kramer, South East High School (CA)
“I would say that it is the only book on the market that is designed with the end in mind — the AP® U.S. History Exam performance. This text has integrated all the elements that the curriculum demands and lays out how to improve skills. Since the modules build on each other, the year is set out in the text.”
Lorraine Dumerer, RL Turner HS (TX)
“Fabric of a Nation breaks down the complexities of an AP® U.S. history course in a way that allows the students to fully comprehend the text as well as offering activities throughout the chapter that help to build on that knowledge. The modules allow the students to tackle aspects of the LEQ and DBQ, analyzing and summarizing documents in a reasonable manner.”
Sandra Hernandez, Public Safety Academy (CA)
“[Fabric of a Nation] is designed to guide students through the course piece by piece. Both the content and the skills are woven together really nicely.”
Scott Horton, Williamsville South High School (NY)
“This text is really one that an experienced AP® teacher should consider. As experienced teachers, we already tend to use our textbooks as supplements to our courses, expecting students to use it to cover the background information while we delve deeply into specific topics and teach skills. This text lends itself to this practice perfectly.”
John Strunc, Pleasant Grove High School (TX)
“I would sell my soul to trade my current text in for Fabric of a Nation.”
Amy Lehman, Lakeview Centennial (TX)
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